POLLINATOR POWER : Levels 7 - 10

- Duration: 60 Minutes
- Location: Beechworth, VIC
We aim to delve into complex themes that surround the bee industry by engaging students in interactive activities. Students are encouraged to think critically about how our agricultural industry is directly affected by honeybees by exploring food security, honey importation, and pollination. This session aims to provide students with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions around food choices, and consider the impact it has on bees and the environment.
The honey tasting at the end of the session emphasises the importance of bees to our livelihoods. It provides an in-depth understanding of how the flavour profiles of the honey relate directly to where the bees collected the nectar, as well as being a sweet way to end the session!
To ensure a high quality experience we have a maximum of 30 participants in each session. If you require a Bee School session with more participants please contact us at groups@beechworthhoney.com.au.